Sponsorship Collaboration Program for the Underprivileged
SLC believes that every child has a right to appropriate education and be part of an inclusive community. Our belief in the right to appropriate education helps us to bring in the under privileged special needs children at SLC. The sponsorship programs were started to help the underprivileged children receive Early Intervention (0-4 years) at SLCs Saturday center and appropriate education in our SLCs afternoon school (4 – 18years).
Who can join the Early Intervention Program (EIP)?
Early Intervention is catered for children from birth to age 4. To join this program, your child must have experienced either:
1. A developmental delay—be far behind other kids his age.
2. A specific health condition that will probably lead to a delay—this includes genetic disorders, birth defects, hearing loss etc
If you have concerns about your baby or toddler, you can contact SLC to know more about the Early Intervention Program or whether your child qualifies to join the EIP program.
How does the Early Intervention Program (EIP) work?
EIP works on collaboration between the therapist and the family of the child, focusing on reaching the child’s appropriate milestones in the shortest time possible.
After assessment, the parent and child are scheduled to meet once in a month with one therapist. A home program with activities is given to the parents. They are also taught on how to perform these activities at home. A checklist along with a communication book is given to keep track on the child’s progress on a daily basis at home. In the monthly meetings there is an ongoing assessment to check the progress of the child.
This program works best with the active involvement of the parent or primary caregiver.
To read more about the EIP program click here
Beneficiaries: The Underprivileged Families
Who can apply for the EIP sponsorship program?
The sponsorship program is for the underprivileged families with special needs children. If you wish to apply for the EIP sponsorship program:
1. Your total family income should be below Rp 5,000,000 per month.
2. Your child should be below 4 years of age and show some delay in achieving their milestones.
If you fulfill the above two criteria, please contact us.
What documentation do I need, to apply for this sponsorship program?
You need to bring with you the following documents:
1. KK
2. Akta lahir anak
3. KTP
4. photo anak seluruh badan
5. surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RW dan RT
6. Rekening listrik,
7. slip gaji
8. rekening Koran
9. photo rumah (the school will come to survey)
Sponsors: You can contribute
What should you do if you want to support the Early Intervention Sponsorship Program?
The Early Intervention Program is a sponsored program and we are continuously looking for donors and volunteers who can support this program.
If you believe in the cause and wish to support this program, you are at the right place.
The Early Intervention Program Needs:
A pool of doctors and therapists who are willing to volunteer their time and skills for the special needs children
Volunteers who are ready to learn and can work with the parents, do home visits and help the child and the family grow.
Resources like picture books and toys for stimulation
Funds for the operational costs of the project.
Please contact us if you would like to be a part of this sponsorship program. If you wish to donate for this program, click here.
Beneficiaries: The Underprivileged Families
Who can apply for the Afternoon school sponsorship program?
The sponsorship program is for the underprivileged special needs children from 4 years to 18 years. If you wish to apply for this sponsorship program:
1. Your total family income should be below Rp 5,000,000
2. Your child should be above 4 years of age.
If you fulfill the above two criteria, please contact us.
What is the process of admission to the sponsorship program?
If you fulfill the above-mentioned criteria and have the required documents, please get in touch with us. We will guide you on the admission process for the afternoon school.
What documentation do I need, to apply for this sponsorship program?
You need to bring with you the following documents:
1. KK
2. Akta lahir anak
3. KTP
4. photo anak seluruh badan
5. surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RW dan RT
6. Rekening listrik,
7. slip gaji
8. rekening Koran
9. photo rumah (the school will come to survey)
Sponsors: You can contribute
What should you do if you want to support/sponsor a child to enter the Afternoon School Sponsorship Program?
If you believe in the right to education for all special need children and wish to support this program, you are at the right place.
The Afternoon School Sponsorship Program needs:
Please contact us if you would like to be a part of this sponsorship program. If you wish to donate for this program, click here .
Our Programs
Vocational Unit
Our Resources
Facilities in Jakarta
Early Detection
Developmental Milestones
Rehabilitation Centres
Associated Hospitals