Rehablitation services at SLC
Post assessment, it is decided which therapies are appropriate for the child. The child is given time to adjust and settle down before we allocate the therapy to the child.
The therapy and the school program work hand in hand. The therapist enters the class to observe the child after which a program is developed for that child. This program is continuously monitored and reviewed by the therapists every 6 months, which is supported by a six monthly report.
The parents also play an active role in the therapy through the home program given by the therapist. The home program ensures that the child receive stimulation even at home through exercises for accelerated growth.

Our physiotherapy team works with children and adults with neurodevelopmental and orthopedic motor difficulties. We provide specialist assessment, advice and intervention with a neuro developmental approach to assist children with their physical function with regard to positioning, movement and balance, to enable them to achieve their optimum physical function/potential.
- Neurodevelopmental
- Orthopedic motor
- Physical Function
- Specialist Assessment
Hydrotherapy is a form of physiotherapy treatment that uses warm water to assist and resist body movements, relax and strengthen muscles and help reduce pain. Aquatic activities can help the development and acquisition of your child’s motor skills on land.
Water allows your child freedom of movement, relief of pain or muscle spasm, the opportunity to improve their flexibility or joint range and the chance to improve their strength or endurance. More importantly exercises in water give a feeling of well-being and are fun.

Behavior therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on reducing behavior problems and promoting adaptation skills. Behavioral therapy uses psychological techniques to improve, social, emotional and communicative skills.
- Developmental
- Psychological
- Communicative
Occupational therapy helps people learn how to perform the tasks of daily life, such as eating, bathing, and writing when a health problem affects their ability to function. Occupational therapy helps kids who have trouble with physical coordination, organization, and planning skills and can help children with certain learning and attention issues do tasks (like writing or working buttons) in a more efficient and less tiring way.
- Daily Life
- Learning
- Physical
- Performance

A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds. A language disorder refers to a problem understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas.
Speech therapy is a clinical program aimed at improving speech and language skills and oral motor abilities. Children who are able to talk may work on making their speech clearer, or on building their language skills by learning new words, learning to speak in sentences, or improving their listening skills.
- Articulation
- Fluency Disorders
- Resonance
- Language Disorders

Our Programs
Vocational Unit
Our Resources
Facilities in Jakarta
Early Detection
Developmental Milestones
Rehabilitation Centres
Associated Hospitals