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Organization Collaboration Program

The Organization Collaboration Program aims to collaborate with different companies and organizations to build a community that understands and believes in the differently abled individuals. These companies will support the differently abled individuals by including them and focusing on their abilities to make an ‘Inclusive Jakarta’.

We are proud to have partnered with companies like BNI, CIMB Niaga, Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia, Internations, Bank Indonesia, and Rich Accessories for our programs and events. We are looking forward to partnering with many more organizations that believe in the abilities of the differently-abled individuals.


What is the Organization Collaboration Program?

SLCs Organization collaboration Program aims to collaborate with different companies and organization across Jakarta for several activities:

Create Awareness

We hold awareness seminars in the companies to make the employees more accepting towards different abilities and ways to work with them. These seminars will help the employees to develop their knowledge and become aware of the abilities of the differently abled. At the seminar, SLC will prepare presentation materials and certificates for all seminar participants.

Opportunities for Community Service

We provide opportunities to companies to volunteer and offer their skills by spending time with the differently abled students and families. SLC can organize interactive sessions with the students and employees so that they have a fulfilling experience and learn to see the abilities of the students.

Internship Partnership Program

SLC would like to partner with companies and organizations having coffee joints, café and eatery so that our young adults can intern with you. SLC will work with you and your staff to understand the work expectations; we will train our young adults to fit into the work expectations of your company. These internship opportunities will help the young adults to believe in their abilities and will also show the community that they can achieve and be included into the community when trained in the appropriate way.

Support by Contribution

SLC is a non- profit organization and is looking for support from companies and organizations for its events and projects. You can be a part of the collaboration program by supporting us through funds towards our events and projects. To know more, please click here or contact us .


Who does SLCs Organization Collaboration Program cater to?

SLCs Organization Collaboration program caters to all companies and organizations who are committed towards the betterment of their society by believing in the differently abled individuals. If you wish to partner with SLC and be a part of the change to make ‘Jakarta Inclusive’, please contact us for more information.

How will partnering with SLC help your organization?

The activities conducted by SLC will strengthen your organizations community- employees and their families. This collaboration with your company or organization will help your community by:

Inculcating feelings of acceptance towards differently-abled peers

Becoming aware of the abilities of the young adults with different abilities rather than looking at their disability

Strengthening the organizations community, where every individual has an opportunity to flourish and grow with the values of love and acceptance

Gain knowledge and experience by engaging in the community service program with SLC.

Creating a community who respect and accept individuals with different abilities as their equals and include them as friends, work colleagues and other social groups leading to an Inclusive Jakarta

How can you be a part of the SLCs organization collaboration program?

You can be a part of SLCs organization collaboration program. If you need more details or want to be part of this program, please feel free to contact us .

Call: (021) 4240815

Email: secretary.saraswatilc@gmail.com

Visit: Jakarta Pusat 10510

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Vocational Unit

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Facilities in Jakarta
Early Detection
Developmental Milestones
Rehabilitation Centres
Associated Hospitals


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