Start by observing children, teachers, therapists, and office staff to gain a profound understanding of their unique experiences and specific needs.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion
The impact is even more significant when you assist teachers and children during teaching hours and contribute to resource creation, breaking down barriers within the educational realm.

As you actively participate in field trips and awareness day events, both within and beyond school premises, you become a driving force for enhancing inclusivity in society.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion
Your involvement in planning interactive activities like art and craft sessions, singing, music, movement, storytelling, and games brings the joy of inclusion to life.

Setting up stalls at school events and inviting children to partake in them is a vibrant testament to the spirit of inclusivity.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion
Moreover, creating buddy systems during sports days nurtures a sense of belonging and teamwork that is pivotal in fostering inclusivity.

When you perform at school events, you showcase the power of partnerships reinforcing the transformative potential of inclusivity.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion
Furthermore, by championing awareness campaigns through mediums like posters, assemblies, well-being classes, social media platforms, clubs, and workshops, you illuminate the path to a more compassionate and inclusive society.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion

Your advocacy, not just within your school but also among friends and other institutions, spreads the message of inclusivity far and wide.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion
Your participation in these activities isn't merely symbolic; it actively breaks down barriers, nurtures understanding, and contributes to the creation of a society where no child feels left behind.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion

Together, we are crafting a brighter future where every heart beats in harmony with the rhythm of inclusivity.
Shared Goal Rooted in compassion

Our Programs
Vocational Unit
Our Resources
Facilities in Jakarta
Early Detection
Developmental Milestones
Rehabilitation Centres
Associated Hospitals